poetic blunder

Artist | gabriel moreno

it was the bitter swiftness of my wrist
turning the glass up
swallowing you;
your words
your violent proclamations
revealing the poetic blunder of who i really am.

i know that you are afraid of me.
i lock the dragon and the princess within the same castle;
the same towers,
pricking my finger on the same spindle over and over again.

you ask me to be this wildly |tame| ferocious woman.
i am that thing.
i am the contradiction,
the woman who refuses to accept uniformity.

i freeze among solar fields
and burn within the craters of the moon upon midnight.

but you’re scared.

that’s why you continue to stuff blatancy within embossed envelopes
hoping to reach the mailboxes of those seeking to find you.

darling, it reigns,
the philosophy of the knife.
you’ve been cut into pieces.
& each piece contains the gleaning spark of an abandoned name.

i’ve all but screamed these declarations
but your incognizant to my arduous sirens.

so i must leap forward
raise this wilted white flag
and surrender
to the loss of love
…the loss of you






Published by Justanotherwriter

I am very much a dreamer, a hopeless romantic at heart. I love to write and aspire to someday become a successful one. I have a passion for wine and would love to someday own a wine bar, or live very close to a vineyard. I dream often of travel and discovering something much larger than myself. I maintain this blog as a personal reminder of my journey and where I am heading.

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